Why coaching?

0 %
higher earnings per share in companies where employees declare to be engaged
0 %
of companies say it is important to develop leaders
0 %
of Leaders are ill-prepared or unprepared to meet their challenges

Sources: 2018 State of Leadership Study, Hanes 2022 Study, 2018 Right Management Study

Developing talent and organisations is key to perform in any company. It is time to breathe new life into it in a context where the war for talent is raging, the transformation of organisations is accelerating and the business opportunities are numerous. The stakes of leadership and teams are high and companies have strong opportunities to address it without further delay through coaching.

Coaching allows you to strengthen your ability to adapt to change, to improve collaboration between teams and individuals, to be more creative and more efficient in your decision-making, and to better manage communication between employees as well as between Leaders, Managers and Teams.

Studies show that in the 500 largest American companies (Fortune 500), Executive Coaching has an ROI of 788%. In addition, 96% of organizations that have used coaching say they are ready to renew their actions.

Sources: 2018 State of Leadership Study, Hanes 2022 Study, 2018 Right Management Study

Executive coaching

Talents coaching

Team & organisation coaching

Leadership Programs