For example, the MBTI helps to decode the different psychological preferences of each employee, revealing natural leadership styles and preferred working methods. In a context of digital transformation, a leader oriented towards intuition and innovation (“N” typology) may be encouraged to explore more creative ideas, while a more pragmatic and concrete leader (“S”) will contribute to the rigorous execution of new initiatives.
The TKI, on the other hand, helps to better manage conflicts during periods of transformation, when tensions are often unavoidable. Thanks to this tool, managers can identify their conflict management style (competition, collaboration, compromise, avoidance, adaptation) and that of their teams, and thus adjust their approach to resolving disputes more constructively and quickly.
Finally, DISC, which focuses on behaviors at work, is particularly effective in improving team cohesion. In times of transformation, it creates synergies between dominant, influential, stable and conscientious profiles, and ensures that each individual plays a role in line with his or her natural strengths.